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Check if you're eligible for a Griffin account.

We're a new bank, and that means we can't support every type of business right away. There are also industries we won't work with under any circumstances. This page provides a transparent list of those business types and industries.

Please be aware that these criteria are broad and non-exhaustive, and we may ultimately decide that we can’t work with your business for other reasons.

We review our eligibility criteria on a regular basis and update this page with any changes. We aim to be as clear as possible so we don’t waste anyone's time – but if you're unsure about something or think your business might be an edge case, don't hesitate to contact us.

Business types

You can bank with us if you are a registered company limited by shares (Ltd) based in the UK. You must have an active status on Companies House and at least one active company director listed.

You must also have the correct regulatory permissions for the products and services you offer. For example, if you plan to issue e-money, you must be licensed as an electronic money institution (EMI) in the UK.

We don't work with dormant companies, shell companies, or offshore entities.

Right now, we also don't support:

  • Charities or non-profit organisations
  • Clubs or other non-registered organisations
  • Community interest companies (CIC)
  • Industrial and provident societies (IPS)
  • Limited companies by guarantee
  • Partnerships, including limited liability partnerships (LLP)
  • Public limited companies (PLC)
  • Royal Charter companies
  • Trusts or funds
  • Unlimited companies


We may not be able to work with you if your company is based, registered or tax resident outside the UK, but this depends on what kind of products and services you are looking for. If you're outside the UK and eager to work with us, please get in touch and tell us a bit about your requirements.


We will not work with you under any circumstances if your company (or your customers) operate in or have connections to these industries.

  • Adult services, including pornography
  • Controlled drugs, including cannabidiol products
  • Cryptocurrency, including crypto wallet and exchange services
  • Dark web activities
  • Gambling, specifically unregistered and unregulated online gambling
  • Gas, including petroleum, natural gas and chemicals
  • Illegal drugs
  • Illegal goods, including counterfeit products
  • Mining and extractive industries, specifically involving the extraction and burning of fossil fuels
  • Oil production and sale
  • Online gaming, specifically games that support in-game payments and allow funds to be transferred between players
  • Political NGOs
  • Precious metals and stones
  • Public administration and compulsory social security, including things like defence, immigration services, and foreign affairs
  • Remittance, currency exchange, and money service businesses where funds can be exchanged as cash, both domestic and international
  • Scrap metal
  • Waste management
  • Weapons manufacturing and selling

If your industry isn't mentioned above, you can apply to work with Griffin. If you want to try out our technology first, create a sandbox account to get instant access to our platform‍—‌no credit card or NDA required.